
Ouanaigaine 03 by Ranxerox, Talasemik

  • Label: Ouanaigaine
  • Title:
  • Reference: Ouanaigaine 03
  • Format: 12''
  • Country: FR
  • Categories: Tribe / freetekno
  • Style: Pumpin core
  • Weight: 0.24
  • Release date: 06/23/2007
  • Catalog entry: 06/23/2007
  • Average rating:
  • This records is a second hand. Condition: Used (clics and noises... charming vinyl sound^^ At least one tune is spared)

Ouanaigaine 03 review

Hardtek, including 2 good tracks : the first one and thbne last one ;) CHECK IT OUT !

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Customers reviews

Jean Horger , 05/13/2009

a acheter sans hésiter! ^^
jan-nahuel jenny , 09/15/2007

this is a nice home really pumpin stuff
frederic ninu , 06/26/2007

ouep clair c une mechante galette kenvoi du paté!!enjoy!!
PERES Nicolas , 06/23/2007

faut arreter de mettre les bombes en fonction du style hardfloor / pas hardfloor !
vendeur / pas vendeur !!

ce siques est une tuerie tribe tout simplement !! merci :)
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