
Hymen CD 758 by Hecq

  • Label: Hymen
  • Title: OOOO
  • Reference: Hymen CD 758
  • Format: 2xCD
  • Country: DE
  • Categories: Ambient electronica
  • Style: Downtempo electronica breakbeat
  • Weight: 0.15
  • Release date: 09/15/2007
  • Catalog entry: 09/15/2007
  • Average rating:

Hymen CD 758 review

my motivation as a musician is to process my various influences. these 17 tracks can be seen as a distillate of experiences lasting 24 months. oftenly an artist can not remember the exact reasons for writing a track, he can only remember the specific mood, the moment and / or the atmosphere as origins. therefore, track names seemed redundant for this album. for me, 0000 can be seen as a substantial collection of filtered impressions and tiny interludes - or as a digital-acoustic diary. and letting other artists lay hands on these very personal impressions shows a new perspective to the own perception - what makes the entire work more multilateral and much more exiting...' (b.boysen / hecq) hecq can be seen as a phenomenon: an artist who consistently shows his amazing skills in creating new sound, a producer that works with musical technology and presents remixes that spotlight unseen facets in the work of other musicians. boysen is more than an expert knob twidler; the listener can easily hear that there is a sensitive human being operating the controls. on 0000, atmospheric soundscapes meet sharp cadences and abrupt breaks which leads the enthralled listener into hecq's world - an audiobook without a narrator. cd2 is a collection of hecq remixes and collaborations by nine different artists (some of them yet unknown - rekt, sytrjv, phylum sinter...) and others that are familiar (mad ep, snog, nebulo, newt, ginormous...). sounds range from syncopated electronic surveys and threatening soundtrack ambience to a chilling sound carpet that is accompanied by a voice that every hymen records' listener should know... one should be careful when making bold statements but this is hecq's best album and it will be one of the electronica landmarks in 2007. don't be fooled by the influences boysen is writing about; they are subliminally audible and in the end you will realize: 'it sounds like....hecq!'

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