
Hymen CD 761 by Tonikom

  • Label: Hymen
  • Title: EPOCH
  • Reference: Hymen CD 761
  • Format: CD
  • Country: DE
  • Categories: Ambient electronica
  • Style: Downtempo electronica breakbeat
  • Weight: 0.15
  • Release date: 09/15/2007
  • Catalog entry: 09/15/2007
  • Average rating:

Hymen CD 761 review

"tonikom is worlds, atmospheres, a narrative. a project born out of curiousity, creativity and a need for expressing a sound that wasnt heard, tonikom continues to defy genres and explore various styles of electronic music. countless influences, both sonic and visual, help tonikom perpetuate its evolution. idm, industrial, techno, drum n bass, electro, trance, power electronix, ambient and tribal all combine to weave tonikom's sound." (official bio) tonikom started as tonik in 2002, releasing several now-deleted cd-rs and changed the name to tonikom in 2006, documented in the album title 'tonikom killed tonik'. after two self-released albums, 'epoch' sees the light of day on hymen records - some kind of a logical conclusion; besides the aphex twin, meat beat manifesto, underworld, the orb and leftfield she also names hymen records' artist beefcake as one of her influences.'epoch' is an enthralling mixture: the melodic richness of idm meet straight d'n'b/breakbeat rhythms, electronic and acoustic instrumentation is enriched with well-placed sampling, sequenced patterns keep embedded ambient soundscapes together, supplemented by power and intensity known from other electronic sub-genres. a diversified, innovating, truly epoch-making release. "this is electronic music that refuses to live on one planet, that flows like its namesake into the soul and distracts from reality." (tonikom)

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