
Syndrome Audio 07 LP by Axiom, Bulletproof, Dose, Catacomb, Psidream, Subtone

  • Label: Syndrome Audio
  • Title: Syndrome Down
  • Reference: Syndrome Audio 07 LP
  • Format: 3x12''
  • Country: NL
  • Categories: Drum & bass
  • Style: Rolling Drum & Bass
  • Weight: 0.70
  • Release date: 11/24/2007
  • Catalog entry: 11/24/2007
  • Average rating:

Syndrome Audio 07 LP review

Nice 6 tracker on a 2x12'', featuring at least 2 excellent drum &bass tunes with origianl sampels and ambience... Other tunes are banging and efficient rolling drum. Well done.

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