
Wwilko CD 19 by Kania Tieffer

  • Label: Wwilko
  • Title: UHH
  • Reference: Wwilko CD 19
  • Format: CD
  • Country: FR
  • Categories: Post punk / electro indus
  • Style: Electro Punk
  • Weight: 0.16
  • Release date: 12/25/2007
  • Catalog entry: 12/25/2007
  • Average rating:

Wwilko CD 19 review

A new Wwilko is always an important moment, a moment to discover some Trashy-jet-set fashon-killaz & creatorz. Here we got an electronica Punk electro pop crazy electric stuff... Something you can't describe, really... Except saying it brings strong smiley-motions ! Enjoy !

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