
Wood 05 by Cardopusher

  • Label: Wood
  • Title: I Need Some I Can Imitate
  • Reference: Wood 05
  • Format: 12''
  • Country: BE
  • Categories: Breakcore
  • Style: Raggacore Speedcore Breakcore
  • Weight: 0.24
  • Release date: 01/19/2008
  • Catalog entry: 01/19/2008
  • Average rating:

Wood 05 review

Does he really need someone he can imitate? Don't we all need someone we can imitate? Or is it more important to be original and set our own standards instead of imitating what others do?! Well, in this case Cardopusher dares us to be original! Cardopusher want you to realise that imitating someone is just not cool. And Cardopusher makes it certain on this release that he isn't just a one-day fruit-fly, out there to imitate others. Instead he brings us his best work so far on Belgium's very own Wood Records. Born and raised in the city of Caracas, Venuzuela - featured on the cover art is a photograph of the Caracas skyline - this South-American breakcore and dubstep producer definatly plants his flag in the twisted world of breaks, beats and synthlines. Throwing in the samples and vocals here'n'there, thusfar, this is his most rave-sounding release he did. This EP is a great follow up to his Peace Off debut album from last year, which now shows a more mature and polished sound that also features 2 fantastic collaborations with Retrigger and Sickboy. Perfect to blend and mix into your ever growing breakcore collection!

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