
Fast Food Breaks 01 by Dj Ritch

  • Label: Kiosk
  • Title: Fast Food Breaks
  • Reference: Fast Food Breaks 01
  • Format: LP
  • Country: FR
  • Categories: Turntablism
  • Style: Turntablism
  • Weight: 0.24
  • Release date: 03/22/2008
  • Catalog entry: 04/04/2008
  • Average rating:

Fast Food Breaks 01 review

BREAKBEAT Turntablism item. Featuring loads and rarities toolz : Old School Special Jungle sounds, Pierre Henry sounds, Eric B & Rakim acapella, some Skip Proof with classical instruments, Some Prase & Break pass-pass... And 2 Electro old school bases. A killer !

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Customers reviews

kioskeclectic@gmail.com , 03/26/2008

Dj Ritch come with a new break beat "Fast Food Breaks"
The A side includes 2 old-school electro beat for training or battles, one track with some hip-hop and reggae voice and some different style of beat for beat juggling.
One track with classics sounds of scratch plus sounds of musical instruments (trompettes, guitare, keyboards sounds, drums)
and one track special jungle with sounds/fx and voices.
The B side, is 13 skip proof (classics sounds, sounds/fx, bass, guitare, flute, and more...)
This record was made with just one mark for all the tracks.
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