
Drone 90 by Noise Dreams Machina

  • Label: Drone Records
  • Title: IN / OUT
  • Reference: Drone 90
  • Format: 7''
  • Country: DE
  • Categories: Ambient electronica
  • Style: Electro Acoustic ambient
  • Weight: 0.12
  • Release date: 04/05/2008
  • Catalog entry: 04/05/2008
  • Average rating:

Drone 90 review

Noise Dreams Machina is the project of spanish artist Oscar Martin. Now living & studying in Berlin & Barcelona, he is currently exploring the possibilities of homemade software with free tools for sound deconstrucion and realtime performance. In & Out is his first vinyl release and uses a wide range of environmental recordings which are processed digitally in more "electro-acoustic" ways. This leads to a balance between "Drone" and "Electro-Acoustic" where the acoustic potential of conventional reality is enlarged via digital processing. In his own words: "It brings attention to the peripheral zones of the sound phenomenon". Through intense mutation & deconstruction of acoustic materials a new or previously hidden meaning can be revealed for the blind spot of our perception.

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