
Analog Replicant 05 by Ben 9mm

  • Label: Analog Replicant
  • Title: Elastik
  • Reference: Analog Replicant 05
  • Format: 12''
  • Country: FR
  • Categories: Tribe / freetekno
  • Style: Hard Techno
  • Weight: 0.24
  • Release date: 05/31/2008
  • Catalog entry: 05/31/2008
  • Average rating:

Analog Replicant 05 review

A heavy Hardtekno rekurd. Bringing 2 advantages : To be dancefloor without being too speed, and not to be as Acid as all the Ben 9mm for a change. Notice a double kick and a fat thick bass, full of subs here... Very English.

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Customers reviews

adrien sahuc , 05/14/2009

grosse inspi anglaise, a ne pas mettre entre ttes les mains
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