Restroom 12012 by Gabba Front Berlin Follow, ANC Follow, Earfist Follow, Moleculez Follow, Discontinued Process Follow, 5xpi Follow, Psykotropp Follow, Stinger Follow
- Label: Restroom Follow this label
- Title: 50th Floor
- Reference: Restroom 12012
- Format: 12''
- Country: DE
- Categories: Hardcore, Nice price,
- Style: Speedcore Warrior
- Weight: 0.24
- Release date: 06/14/2008
- Catalog entry: 06/14/2008
4.80 € (TTC)
Out of stock
Restroom 12012 review
Clean speed Hardcore. Reminding some old German speedecore labels. Warrior style !
Tracks list
A1 - GFB - Lacrima Mosa Est - Earfist Remix
A2 - ANC - Conceale - Moleculez Remix
A3 - GFB - Lacrima Mosa Est - Discontinued Process Remix
B1 - GFB - Lacrima Mosa Est - 5xpi Remix
B2 - ANC - Conceale - Psykotropp Remix
B3 - GFB - Lacrima Mosa Est - Stinger Remix
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