
Ad Noiseam 101 CD by Larvae

  • Label: Ad Noiseam
  • Title: Loss Leader
  • Reference: Ad Noiseam 101 CD
  • Format: CD
  • Country: DE
  • Categories: Ambient electronica
  • Style: Donwtempo Breaks
  • Weight: 0.15
  • Release date: 01/11/2008
  • Catalog entry: 01/11/2008
  • Average rating:

Ad Noiseam 101 CD review

A work in two acts, Larvae's third full length album is a perfect snapshot of this band's tastes and talents. With a touching and poetic first part made of epic guitar melodies and drony atmospheres and a second act going back to Larvae's beatier and heavier "Monster Music" past, "Loss Leader" is at times poignant, at times playful. Another well thought step forward for the band (in two directions at once), and another impressive work for Larvae.

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