
Knowledge And Wisdom 11 LP by Terry T, Blessed, GCP, Demolition Man, Million Dan, Bombshell, Frisky Dan, Garnet Silk

  • Label: Knowledge And Wisdom
  • Title: High Grade
  • Reference: Knowledge And Wisdom 11 LP
  • Format: 2x12'' WL
  • Country: UK
  • Categories: Ragga jungle
  • Style: Old School, Ragga Jungle
  • Weight: 0.50
  • Release date: 01/03/2009
  • Catalog entry: 07/01/2019
  • Average rating:

Knowledge And Wisdom 11 LP review

4 Ragga Jungle Mixes !



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Customers reviews

Critical Hit Records , 09/11/2019

Sample Remarc sur le 3eme track (j'imagine qu'il vient d'ailleurs ce sample), clin d'oeil mais loin d'égaler en qualité l'original !
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