
Knibal 10 LP by Dajhne, Armaguet Nad, DJ Tense, Satronica, A.I.D.S., Helius Zhamiq, Mig-Hell, Fist Of Fury, DAR, Darkside

  • Label: KNiBal Records
  • Title: Are you Hungry ?
  • Reference: Knibal 10 LP
  • Format: 2x12''
  • Country: FR
  • Categories: Hardcore
  • Style: Frenchcore, Speedcore, Noisecore
  • Weight: 0.50
  • Release date: 03/21/2009
  • Catalog entry: 03/21/2009
  • Average rating:

Knibal 10 LP review

Loing time awaited first LP on the Kabal Soundsytem records label. 8 powerfull Speedcore/Hardocre/noisecore tunes. Everything was done for it to be a miracle, sound is loud... even visual have been worked properly : Printed Cover and printed Undercovers.

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