
Mini Crunch 01 by Ed Cox

  • Label: Mini Crunch
  • Title: Live à la Miroiterie
  • Reference: Mini Crunch 01
  • Format: 7'' Color
  • Country: FR
  • Categories: Future beats
  • Style: Hard Dance Folk
  • Weight: 0.17
  • Release date: 05/02/2009
  • Catalog entry: 05/02/2009
  • Average rating:

Mini Crunch 01 review

Ed Cox Live... The soul of it !! Even if on an Edith Piaf 'Riddim'... we still wonder if tjis is a Ska-Jungle ? Or a Teknival-Musette ? What name to pu ? Maybe Accordeon Jungle-core... But actueally that's juste a Live set track, played at the Miroiterie, one of the best squat for alternative music in Paris ever.... (that will close soon, unfortunatly... http://lamiroit.free.fr/index2). This is produces by Matt Fraktal... A south-France early Hardcore sound system. through some may remember we sold some "collector boxes". The money from puled out from these has been used to produce this record (and the second one). This is something that needed to be explained. Sleeve by Absurd Publishing.

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Marv Hartland , 12/20/2009

clown core m8ty!
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