
Dog 05 de Einoma

Dog 05 Commentaire

150 BPM Electronica Dub-techno EP / After three years of silence and six years since the highly acclaimed "Milli Tonverka" LP, Reykjavik´s Einoma return with a highly beat-driven and epic two track EP for Lamadameaveclechien. Composing for the first time pieces based on live sets and improvisations, the EP shows a more organic nature of Einoma´s sound. Its complex sound flow still remains very rhythmic and almost dance floor like in it´s unfolding sound quality. Big emphasis on bass, icy textures, detailed sound design and an almost repetitive narrative is the main focus point of these two very original and dramatic pieces. The EP comes with a stunning artwork : Thai from Shaire productions who´s 'graphic alchemy' seems to fit the music perfectly on a fundamental level.

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