
Hangars Liquides 14 de Attila

  • Label: Hangars Liquides
  • Titre: Gastrocrature
  • Référence: Hangars Liquides 14.
  • Format: 12''
  • Pays: FR
  • Catégories: Hardcore
  • Style: Amigacore
  • Poids: 0.20
  • Date de sortie: 01/05/2001
  • Ajouté le: 07/01/2005
  • Note moyenne:

Hangars Liquides 14 Commentaire

Amiga Hardcore tune. Track listing : Xwtrswz, Flrrwc, Sjlhgd... Absolutly MINT. virgin vinyl.

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Anti Narcose , 19/03/2006

fishead - 16-Aug-03 05:46 PM
Triple threat of weird that reminds of that old Reese\'s Peanut Butter Cups commercial with the astronaut and the robot arguing... \"You got you peanut butter on my chocolate!\" \"You stuck your chocolate in my peanut butter!\" Only this is different. It\'s like someone had a bag of idm and someone else had a box of hardcore.. and they bumped into each other and fell down a flight of stairs and died.. and then this barbarian Hun put it all back together they way he thought it should sound... then put some pictures of people on tractors on the label. The result is completely bizarre and strangely playable. Heads up to the first track on side two with the swank whistling sound.
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