
Rotorelief 06 de Sand

Rotorelief 06 Commentaire

Rotorelief releases, in 2010, a series of new albums from Sand as well as a reissue of their obscure and rare album Golem, and albums by Nurse with Wound and Current 93.

This series of albums from Sand is called “INXOM”, the series title having one letter for each album. So, 5 albums of Sand are to be released.

Two more albums from Nurse with Wound and Current 93, two groups who helped to bring to light the mystery that is Sand, increase the number of letters in the title. With these last two albums the series becomes INXODEM.

His First Steps – Golem - Desert Navigation - Sylph Ballet – North Atlantic Raven. And Chromanatron by Nurse With Wound and When the May Rain Comes, cover versions of Sand by Current 93.

The present album is a reissue of Golem, the legendary album from the cosmic and psychedelic genius that is Sand.

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