
Explore Toi 81 de Base Mobile, Barouf, Eqz, Tbc Sound System,

  • Label: Explore Toi
  • Titre: Explore Toi 81
  • Référence: Explore Toi 81
  • Format: 12"
  • Pays: FR
  • Catégories: Hardcore Tribe / freetekno
  • Style: hardcore, Acid, Tribe old school
  • Poids: 0.24
  • Date de sortie: 07/04/2012
  • Ajouté le: 07/04/2012
  • Note moyenne:

Explore Toi 81 Commentaire

One full side from from Base Mobile, EQZ, TBC Sound System and The Cyberminds for an Experimental electro Broken techno close from the elctric ET21 sound. And one side with 2 tunes from Barouf (Enfants Sage) with one track of pure Acid Hard 136 BPM techno. And another track 165 BPM Hardtekno Acid witch is part of a live set that was partly out on Statik Travel 08.

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Commentaires client

Mark Sironi , 01/05/2012

Side A is some great hard techno from Barouf in his usual style. A1 is a solid hardtek with some good sounds but I wish it was faster; with a BPM in the 130's I'm not sure how often it will get played. A2 is Statik Travel 08 on steroids. More distortion, more layers of sound, more everything. If you want a "clean" version of this track then Statik Travel 08 is the one, if you want a hard, mental, distorted version then you want this one.

Side B could best be described as mental electro. Mix the Netherlands hardtek/acid sound with 90's style electro and this is what you'd get. It's an interesting track but not really danceable.
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