
Acid Night 20 de HFK, Molecule SCAM

  • Label: Acid Night
  • Titre: Psychoparano
  • Référence: Acid Night 20
  • Format: 12"
  • Pays: FR
  • Catégories: Hardcore Tribe / freetekno Home prod
  • Style: Acid Speedcore, Acid hardcore, Breakcore Acid
  • Poids: 0.24
  • Date de sortie: 07/11/2015
  • Ajouté le: 07/11/2015
  • Note moyenne:

Acid Night 20 Commentaire

The last tune of this EP is the reason why I wanted to press these tunes from HFK...

Then I saw that he did a cover version of the Jones and Stephenson famous Rebirth....

As Mr Gazmask did one on Acid Night I decided to press these tunes on Acid Night and not on Rouge De Colère... just for the eye-blink...

And then HFK introduced me to his second project (of many) called « Molecule SCAM »... And this long A side tune, 180 BPM killer was the thing... Reminding me very strong another famous tune that was called Prime Assault...

Well, this project is a bit special compared to the others Acid Night... Not an easy record to sell probably... But what a bomb...

LOVE THIS MUSIC ! So, fuck the sales and go for it :)

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