
Jamaican Recordings LP 37 de Bunny Lee, King Tubby, Tommy McCook, The Aggravators

  • Label: Jamaican Recordings
  • Titre: Brass Rockers
  • Référence: Jamaican Recordings LP 37
  • Format: 12" LP
  • Pays: UK
  • Catégories: Dub / ragga
  • Style: Dub Roots
  • Poids: 0.24
  • Date de sortie: 28/11/2015
  • Ajouté le: 24/08/2024
  • Note moyenne:

Jamaican Recordings LP 37 Commentaire

King Tubby and Producer Bunny ‘Striker’ Lee are intertwined in the birth of Dub Music. After discovering a mistake that made a ‘serious joke’ ( more of which later...) they went on to release the first pressings of this new musical genre namely ‘Dub Music’. Tubby’s vast knowledge of electronics and Bunny’s vast catalogue of rhythms would lay the foundations of what today is taken as a standard... the Remix / Version cuts to an existing vocal tune.

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