
Blood Party de Dorian Parano, Noisebuilder, Electrobugz, The Edge, Adam Polo

Blood Party Commentaire

Extract from the first album of Dorian Parano "Blood Party" signed on Formule records... And what a vinyl : featuring 2 of the best Heretik crew artists... Sam & Ben in a collaboration with The Edge and Dorian Parano...

Records starts with a fat electro techno remix of the famous Slasher tune:) AZ must have ! B side you'll get a long collab between Dorian parano and noisebuilder, with a fresh new tune called Mister Brain ! Will perfectly fit with the A-side ! The last track is a bit shorter but is a Must have of donwtempo electro House... Bloody good collab between Dorian parano and Adam Polo (who did a fantastic tune on Abuse records) …

The sleeve is printed and designed by Tealanb. ENJOY !

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