
Broklyn Beats CD 18 de Criterion

  • Label: Broklyn Beats
  • Titre: La Ciudad
  • Référence: Broklyn Beats CD 18
  • Format: MCDV
  • Pays: US
  • Catégories: Future beats
  • Style: Industrial Live
  • Poids: 0.16
  • Date de sortie: 08/07/2005
  • Ajouté le: 01/01/2019
  • Note moyenne:

Broklyn Beats CD 18 Commentaire

"La Ciudad" is Broklyn Beats' long-awaited side project, bubbling over on the back burner since 2001. Originally commissioned for a national Jerome Foundation grant, the composition and accompanying video developed over time after being initially performed at Manhattan's Roulette music space. The complete background story can be found in the CD's liner notes, which we encourage you to read. "La Ciudad" is a collaborative glimpse into the sights and sounds surrounding the Broklyn Beats studios and office in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. On par with the hectic life of a New York artist, the project offers a slice of the everyday Broken Brooklyn world of Broklyn Beats Records.

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