
Ad Noiseam 51 CD de Detritus

  • Label: Ad noiseam
  • Titre: Origin
  • Référence: Ad Noiseam 51 CD
  • Format: CD
  • Pays: DE
  • Catégories: Future beats
  • Style: DRUM & BASS
  • Poids: 0.23
  • Date de sortie: 07/10/2005
  • Ajouté le: 07/10/2005
  • Note moyenne:

Ad Noiseam 51 CD Commentaire

Detritus’s second album, “Origin”, takes this act’s combination of clean and powerful drum’n’bass, deep strings and emotion-ridden melodies to a whole new level. Brilliantly produced, this album is a perfect combination of beauty and musical talent, of human feeling and driven beats. One doesn’t get very often an album which is satisfying both for the head, at home, and the feet, on the dancefloor; Detritus and Ad Noiseam are proud to present the perfect example of them. Coming two years after Detritus’s debut full length album (“Endogenous”), “Origin” is David Dando-Moore’s strongest and most accomplished work to date. The fruit of a long writing and recording process, it is to date the best embodiment of what Detritus is about. A statement of emotion and beauty, it is also a statement for the improvement of composition and quality in the industrial scene. Ever since its inception, Detritus has been about mixing a musically and intellectually valid music with emotion and beauty. Refusing to fall into clichés dictated by a scene or a trend, Detritus is a sound of its own, for it manages to communicate passion and melancholy, with balance and honesty. Warm and human, Detritus’s music is first something to be felt and enjoyed. David Dando-Moore’s tour de force is then to be able to present these emotions without falling into cheap clichés and tasteless kitsch. But Detritus’s talent doesn’t only lie in his ability to suggest beauty. An experienced bass player and electronic componist, Dando-Moore thought of “Origin” as a statement against the parodic and saddening low quality of many electronic and industrial releases, where ideas are sunk by a low production and little care brought to the actual music. Written continuously over the course of two years, always with the quality of the recording, the clarity of the mix and the deepness of the sound in mind, “Origin” is an album that charms as much for its function than for its form, and is in this aspect a full work of art. Finally, the album ends with remixes by two of Detritus label mates, Mad E.P. and Mothboy, both adding a more urban and dirty feeling to this album. Ad Noiseam is proud to present “Origin”, an album where Detritus demonstrates once again that one can be melancholic and yet subtle, accessible and yet not insulting, artistic and yet human. “Origin” is a work of art which is made to stay, and will be definitely be remembered by anyone who listens to it.

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