
Acid Night 35 de Spered

Acid Night 35 Commentaire

Micka Spered coming up for #AcidNight 35

LTD 200 Copies - Mastered & Cut Simon The Exchange

About this one something to say :

The music really reminded me Current 909 Atmosfear EP for ARRAKIS (B1)
The B2 (Endorlori) made me think of Black Lung on Depopulation Bomb.
Finally it was of course totally different... but this reminder, kind of nostalgia, with kind of technoïd verses had to exists on wax. For me as a DJ ^^ krkrkrk
I strongly Believe SPERED had something special as a musician.. his style... digging in the past as well as in the future, like with the super slow Mandragore A2...
Well that's a record !

Thanks to Vstee Thebassacademy for the Visual too !

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