
Pack Ragga-Tek de D.S.C, Figcake, Jim Bitch, Ben 9MM, M.T.C, Tribaan, Jungletek Mafia, Mooreman, Mandidextrous, T-Menace, Matt Scratch

  • Label: Amen4Tekno
  • Titre: Amen4Tekno 10 / Irritant Sounds 04
  • Référence: Pack Ragga-Tek
  • Format: 3x12''
  • Pays: FR
  • Catégories: Tribe / freetekno Ragga jungle
  • Style: Ragga Tek, Ragga Jungle
  • Poids: 0.75
  • Date de sortie: 09/03/2020
  • Ajouté le: 09/03/2020
  • Note moyenne:

Pack Ragga-Tek Commentaire

VALUE PACK WITH : Amen4Tekno 10 & Irritant Sounds 04

Wicked compination value pack for any Raggatek Deejay ! One tune in comon, on these 2 records... but 2 different cut... learn various skills of mastering ^^ That was an accident of course and explains why this value pack exist. If you want both then you don't pay twice the 4rth tune. May we all leave in peace !

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