
Shipwrec 66 de Ekman

  • Label: Shipwrec
  • Titre: Kronkel
  • Référence: Shipwrec 66
  • Format: 12''
  • Pays: NL
  • Catégories: Electro / breaks
  • Style: Electro
  • Poids: 0.24
  • Date de sortie: 12/07/2020
  • Ajouté le: 12/07/2020
  • Note moyenne:

Shipwrec 66 Commentaire

Ekman is no stranger to Shipwrec. With three EPs and an album, the dutchman’s brand of fire and brimstone has seared a serious impression on the Nijmegen imprint. The fourth 12” comes with a marked difference. That burning smouldering intensity that has characterised the acid soaked electro and stained techno of past records is present, however it is now sheathed. Beats are still sharp edged, as in “Verdraaide Logica”, yet keys have softened and taken on an introspection. “Kronkel” is cast in a similar mould. From a fearsome kick blooms an incredibly layered and thoughtful track where melodies bob and weave while rhythms rail. Even amidst the sinister sidling synthlines of “Anker Punten”, with its piercing and punishing percussion, there are understated pads to mellow. The glass and steel of “Vast” ends the EP. Angular lines permeate the piece, reflection and refractions arc and bend in this science fiction finale. Depth mixed devilment from start to finish.

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