
Word Sound 37 CD de Sensational

  • Label: Word Sound
  • Titre: Heavyseighter
  • Référence: Word Sound 37 CD
  • Format: CD
  • Pays: US
  • Catégories: Hip hop
  • Style: Rough Roots
  • Poids: 0.16
  • Date de sortie: 20/10/2003
  • Ajouté le: 20/10/2003
  • Note moyenne:

Word Sound 37 CD Commentaire

Quality hip-hop records are called "tight" for good reason: The production is rigidly calculated, the rhyme schemes scientific, the hooks precision-engineered. What Brooklyn rapper Sensational coughs up on his weirdly winning third LP is the polar opposite. The beats are deliberately distorted and dirty, choruses are irregular, and lyrics routinely surge into overdubbed fuzz or muffled obscurity. If other MCs spit rhymes, Sensational gargles them out in an offhand jumble and then meanders out of the studio without bothering to shut off his primitive recording gear. But while the muddy production quality and haphazard verses are initially off-putting, Heavyweighter's sloppy aesthetic grows on you. Stilted, smoked-out cuts like "Tearin' It Up" and the plodding "Style Indiglo" are hypnotic, and Sensational's throaty orations, which hobble through weaving and wallowing, stand up to repeated listens. Throw Heavyweighter on when you're ready to get loose. - Rolling Stone If you're not up on Sensational by now, you must be shooting some really good smack or you just returned from a five-year Peace Corps mission to Iwo Jima. Whatever the case, if you fiend for real hip-hop, drop what you're doing and grab a copy of Heavyweighter (WSCD037), Sensational's third and most blazingest full-length to date. After dropping Loaded With Power (WSCD022) and Corner The Market (WSCD032), two dusted jewels, which showed that hip-hop is still alive and well and living in Crooklyn, the MC/Producer formerly known as Torture (of the Jungle Brothers) clocks in with his strongest work to date. Heavyweighter is destined to finally show the world who the most bold and innovative voice in hip-hop really is--despite all you whack-ass journalists and deejays out there who front. What the beats are too dirty for you? This is hip-hop, fool. Get a real job. Even though Sensational made most of this album using digital equipment, it's still got that snap, crackle, but no pop. Dirtier than that Bastard and Kooler than Keith, Sensational's star is on the rise like a dick in the morning. Even without the hype he will prevail because he's coming like a black hole to swallow up everything in his path. One listen to Heavyweighter and you'll be toe up from the flo' up. Every once in a blue moon, something comes along which is too powerful to be held back by the music drug industry fashion rackett. The time is now at hand....for Heavyweighter.

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