
Sozialistischer Plattenbau 7026 de Mark Boombastik

Sozialistischer Plattenbau 7026 Commentaire

Mark Boombastik is a human beatbox with advanced technics. Early in his career, he added guitar effects and bass synths to his live sets to push his vocal art to a new level. Mark Boombastik is mostly known for his astonishing crossover pop-song "Putzen" which was licensed for german TV shows among other crazy things. Through this novelty hit he caught the attention of the Berlin record label Shitkatapult for which he produced the long-player "Adios Berlin" together with Eduardo Delgado-Lopez. Lesser known but extremely sought after are his releases on Meeuw Muzak and Gagarin Records. With Gagarin Records chairman Felix Kubin he did countless live and studio collaborations. After a brief release-hiatus, this 7" on Sozialistischer Plattenbau presents two recent tracks. The record comes in a cover that was designed by Hamburg artist Thomas Baldischwyler and printed in 3 punky color-layers with a middle-aged Riso printer on recycled paper.

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