
PRSPCT LP 19 de Dolphin

  • Label: PRSPCT Recordings
  • Titre: Ebbs & Flows
  • Référence: PRSPCT LP 19
  • Format: 3x12"
  • Pays: NL
  • Catégories: Hardcore
  • Style: Hardcore
  • Poids: 0.75
  • Date de sortie: 30/11/2020
  • Ajouté le: 30/11/2020
  • Note moyenne:

PRSPCT LP 19 Commentaire

Ebbs & Flows is a triptych, represented in three forms that all require to experience a life well lived. Chapter I explores the mind, the quest for knowledge, and the ineffable need for creativity. Chapter II looks at the spirit, vulnerability, and the openness of emotion. Chapter III delves into the physicality of the world. The body and movement. Within these three realms comes challenge and reward. Good times and hard times. Ever flowing. Always in continual ebb and flow. One cannot be without the other. They are dualistic states that are interconnected and interdependent. All continually flowing like sine waves within sine waves. Who we are and what we do through these peaks and troughs of life defines who we are as people. If we abandon ourselves when the challenge seems too hard, were we ever truly what we thought we were? Or were we just a caricature of our own ambition and aspiration? It is not what life presents us with, but how we respond to it that will ultimately define who we are.

With love and thanks to everyone that supports me and my music, that inspires me, encourages me and motivates me. Every person that I've told that I love them I consider to be my family and I can't thank you all enough for everything you've done to help me in your own ways. The ghost notes play on inside all of us.

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Commentaires client

Jujuoxo , 05/05/2022

Excellent triple de Dolphin. Que du bon, rien à jeter sur les 3 disques. PRSPCT label de qualité
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