
Drop Bass Network 70 de Centrific

  • Label: Drop Bass Network
  • Titre: Somebody went to Detroit and all I got was the itchy Hawtins
  • Référence: Drop Bass Network 70
  • Format: 12''
  • Pays: US
  • Catégories: Techno / hardtechno
  • Style: Acid
  • Poids: 0.23
  • Date de sortie: 10/06/2006
  • Ajouté le: 10/06/2006
  • Note moyenne:

Drop Bass Network 70 Commentaire

Whhaddya know, we've found another new producer right here in our own back yard. Where do they keep coming from ? Steve Seuling, aka Centrific, is no stranger to the Midwest techno scene, having performed live for years. Now it's time to make his vinyl debut. Where better to do it than on Drop Bass Network ? And what better than to draw musical inspiration from the same Detroit underground parties that inspired us...

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