
Cultivated Electronics 38 de Morphology

  • Label: Cultivated Electronics
  • Titre: The Dark Wheel
  • Référence: Cultivated Electronics 38
  • Format: 12''
  • Pays: UK
  • Catégories: Electro / breaks
  • Style: Electro Acid
  • Poids: 0.24
  • Date de sortie: 15/06/2021
  • Ajouté le: 15/06/2021
  • Note moyenne:

Cultivated Electronics 38 Commentaire

Morphology return to Cultivated Electronics with the follow up to their 2017 EP 'Mind Stealers' (CE023). 'The Dark Wheel EP', coming in March marks their fourth EP for Sync 24's label. Morphology are Finnish duo Michael Diekmann and Matti Turunen. Formed in 2009 they have already clocked up a series of EPs and four albums across labels including Solar One Music, CPU, FireScope, Zyntax Motorcity, Semantica, and of course, Cultivated Electronics. Fans of Morphology will already know how they fuse early electro sounds with haunting melodies to create a deep blend of atmospheric future funk, and their new EP 'The Dark Wheel' is no exception, as they deliver four tracks of faultless production technique, warm synths and crisp drum-work. Essential Electro.

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