
Electronic Emergencies 35 de Fivequestionmarks & Produkkt

Electronic Emergencies 35 Commentaire

Hot electro and neo-high energy synth-disco on the DISCO DISCO debut album of anarcho-electro-punk duo Fivequestionmarks & Produkkt from Rome. Fivequestionmarks is a DJ and singer with a dark and heavy style who effortlessly assembles industrial, acid, and EBM into wild raves. Together with Produkkt they literally rock the disco with their sharp productions, reminiscent of the synthwave and electro-pop of the eighties with a raw punk edge. On DISCO DISCO, Fivequestionmarks renders the surrealistic, political, and profound lyrics in her distorted voice with a dramatic Italian touch. Raw electro-punk in the vein of Miss Kittin & The Hacker and Adult. Recommended!

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