
Undergronde BOOK & DVD de Francis Vadillo

  • Label: Hecatombe
  • Titre: Un Documentaire sur la Micro-Edition
  • Référence: Undergronde BOOK & DVD
  • Format: Book, DVD
  • Pays: CH
  • Catégories: Comics & books Dvd selecta
  • Style: Report, Movie, Subtitles
  • Poids: 0.70
  • Date de sortie: 25/06/2023
  • Ajouté le: 25/06/2023
  • Note moyenne:

Undergronde BOOK & DVD Commentaire

A 60 pages DIY book, from the Collective Hecatombe.

This Book comes with a 1 hour DVD, subtitled in english.
Interviews and stories about the Fanzines Serypgraphies and crazy scuptures... with Charles Pennequin, François de Jonge, Mattt Konture, Pakito Bolino... interviewed during their perf at Le Dernier Cri, la Fanzinotheque...
And of course first some artists as El Rotringo, Francesco Defourny, Sarah Fishole, de Yannis La Macchia...
Francis Vadillo passed away just .

An anthology out in 2015... after this DVD came out... Sadly

BIG UP to KRO for the discovery !

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