
Mahorka 370 de Abu Ama, BedouinDrone

Mahorka 370 Commentaire

An outstanding collaboration between two artist friends Abu Ama and BedouinDrone who are both renowned for their previous solo releases and collaborations on Mahorka (Abu Ama: "Totem" double cassette, BedouinDrone: "The Border" cassette, "Abandoned Villages" digital, "Taliban" with Runi Graph, "Tipping Point" cassette as Pedro Maras, and their collaboration project shabaH: "1" cassette) and elsewhere.

A very special album that just deserved some very special release edition. The occasion for another Mahorka dream to come true. Yes, it is a pro-pressed 12" LP with outstanding design courtesy of Brett Tassenon and Angel Draganov.

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