
Criminal Justice Act 04 de Brainbeats, pastresdrole, SPLT, 0-Confidence, DJ Iguane, Smogo

Criminal Justice Act 04 Commentaire

The CPU of René Leynaud Street in Lyon has prompted us to bring out Dj Iguane, a protagonist of the first Paris raves. Author of an anthem on Chronobrain 016 and a solid catalog on Hokus Pokus, Passe-Muraille, Toolbox…
The art of a sound played at various speeds and cultured by a vibe close to the essence of the tribe. He'll guide this compilation with two tracks released in 1998 (Free Sex) and 2011 (Booboo Trakkv), cerebral productions from his punk machines.

It was in the same street, over a glass of wine, that 0-Confidence made the connection with CJACT's unstructured metallic blast.

He plunges his table-mates Brainbeats and pastresdrole into the intoxication of synthesizers.
One comeback hides another with Smogo, present on CJACT002, who doesn't neglect his acceleration so as not to lose control of this bewitched street.

SPLT is the key to slipping into a bass-infused “traboule” and slowing down the pace. The concert can begin.

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