
Sublight 2301 CD de Felipe, Forte

  • Label: Sublight
  • Titre: Eke Out
  • Référence: Sublight 2301 CD
  • Format: CD
  • Pays: US
  • Catégories: Industrial
  • Style: Melodious Noise
  • Poids: 0.15
  • Date de sortie: 10/07/2006
  • Ajouté le: 10/07/2006
  • Note moyenne:

Sublight 2301 CD Commentaire

10 Tracks – the second sand-blasted album from the dark alliance of miami noise brewer dino felipe and new york fragmentor nick forte. their highly regarded first album, shaggy black, which pitchfork deemed 'gorgeous' and the wire magazine called kinda genius, marked the beginning of a skewed and spewed musical endeavor. the 10 track eke out continues in a similar vein as it's predicesor, though perhaps playing up the binary bile and pushing the haze envelope even further. this thing floats with metallic harshness and a brutish pyschedelic clausterphobia, incorporating vocals, percussion, synths, guitars and computer into a frothy soup. felipe and forte's collaberative work has been compared to boredoms, black dice, the dead c and fennesz.

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