
Nothing Happened - K7 de Amandine Casadamont

  • Label: Via Cava
  • Titre: Nothing Happened
  • Référence: Nothing Happened - K7
  • Format: Tape C60
  • Pays: FR
  • Catégories: Ambient electronica
  • Style: Concrete Music, Mix, Ambient
  • Poids: 0.24
  • Date de sortie: 18/07/2024
  • Ajouté le: 18/07/2024
  • Note moyenne:

Nothing Happened - K7 Commentaire

Concrete music mix. Ambient textures of real life sounds, a vinyl mix.

The sleeve is a superb artwork : made out with vinyls, with booklet bringing the complete tracklisting of the records played...

Link for a listen :

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