
Souk 14 de Grup Ses, Gökalp K, Ethnique Punch, Elektro Hafız, DJ SYR, Obookubo, Granul

Souk 14 Commentaire

Istanbul-based producers Grup Ses and Gökalp K present their collaborative album on SOUK Records, showcasing a distinctive fusion of musical styles such as hip hop, grime, dubstep, and jungle. Two years in the making, their self-titled album features contributions from Cologne-based multi-instrumentalist Elektro Hafız, Marseille-based DJ Syr from Scratch Bandits Duo and Ethnique Punch, a Turkish MC & producer now based in Bremen.

Grup Ses project began in 2007, initially focusing on edits and breakcore mash-ups. By 2008, it evolved into a beatmak-ing project incorporating elements of humor and local materials such as records, tapes, and radio broadcasts, which have become the signature Grup Ses sound. Grup Ses has previously collaborated with sub-labels of Discrepant, releas-ing two albums on SOUK and three mixtapes on Sucata Tapes.

Gökalp K, the alias of composer and sound designer Gökalp Kanatsız, has been releasing music since 2011. Under this name, he has released two albums and performed as a DJ. Alongside his beat production, he also composes electro-acoustic music and collaborates with creative studios as a sound artist on various interdisciplinary projects.

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