
Mille Plateaux 106 LP de AGF/DLAY, Safeti Scissors, MRI, Monophace, Captain Comatose, Akufen, Spectre, High Priest, Graphit.E, Sophie Rimheden, I:Sound, Open Source, Andreas Tilliander, Jetone, Kid606, Dälek, Alva Noto, Franck Bretschneider, Auch

  • Label: Mille Plateaux
  • Titre: Electric Ladyland v1.1
  • Référence: Mille Plateaux 106 LP
  • Format: 3x12''
  • Pays: DE
  • Catégories: Electro / breaks
  • Style: Hip Hop Minimal electro
  • Poids: 0.75
  • Date de sortie: 01/02/2000
  • Ajouté le: 01/02/2000
  • Note moyenne:

Mille Plateaux 106 LP Commentaire

The last Electric Ladyland ever. More minimal than the others. Really into the present inna way. Well done but not as perfect as the other ones.

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