
Hymen 764 CD de Somatic Responses

  • Label: Hymen
  • Titre: Digital Darkness
  • Référence: Hymen 764 CD
  • Format: CD
  • Pays: DE
  • Catégories: Breakcore
  • Style: Drill Breakcore
  • Poids: 0.15
  • Date de sortie: 01/03/2008
  • Ajouté le: 01/03/2008
  • Note moyenne:

Hymen 764 CD Commentaire

a new sign of life from wales - john and paul healy, well-known as somatic responses produced a new fulltime masterpiece of electronic sound wizzardry. almost two years have passed since giauzar and it seems the brothers used their time not only for the explorations of new tonal and atonal scapes, they also went for a re-analysis of their roots.the digital darkness described here is a dry, drawn out universe of distorted chromatic basses, straightened heavy beats and swirling filter pulses, establishing ties from the times when the tb-303 took over technoid music up to the nineties where speed increased and rhythms became dodgier. stylistic classifications were never somatic responses' aim, nevertheless, digital darkness might be rated as one of their most straight-lined works since years - f.e. you never heard s.r. as speedy as they are on the title track or 'reset the world'. their typical ingredients like unique strings usage are still present ('stranded'), the enrichment with some blasts from the past makes digital darkness a mixture which will kick your eardrums in.

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