
Arambol DVD 01 de Arambol

  • Label: Arambol Experience
  • Titre: Arambol Experience Vol I
  • Référence: Arambol DVD 01
  • Format: DVD 2xCD
  • Pays: FR
  • Catégories: Dvd selecta
  • Style: Trance Techno Breakbeat
  • Poids: 0.24
  • Date de sortie: 01/03/2008
  • Ajouté le: 01/03/2008
  • Note moyenne:

Arambol DVD 01 Commentaire

At the height of rock utopia in the 1960s, love children from San Francisco through New York to London set out to create a holistic environment influenced by groups like Soft Machine and Pink Floyd. Psychedelic utopia was an experimental guerrilla that took in everything from sex through politics, music, art, comic strips and the alternative press to animation. When the hippies said, “We all want to change the world,” music was just one of the means to their end. But the 1980s put the screws on, mainstream became the main man and the golden boys were born. In this charged atmosphere and its natural extension in the 2000s, it is now frowned upon to hop off the matrix, to take a different view. In a highly informed society that quickly subdues protest movements, you can no longer hope to gain approval for another lifestyle, a marginal way of thinking. Or can you? Turning their backs on the dictates of the industrial world and the illusion of cushy consumerism, musicians from all four corners of the globe have pitched up in Arambol. This village in the north of Goa is spearheading a psychedelic revival in the Indian province.

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