
Datacide 10 de Alternative Sociology, history, philosophy, politics and Music.

  • Label: Datacide
  • Titre: Datacide Ten
  • Référence: Datacide 10
  • Format: Magazine
  • Pays: DE
  • Catégories: Comics & books
  • Style: Music Art Sociology
  • Poids: 0.24
  • Date de sortie: 15/11/2008
  • Ajouté le: 15/11/2008
  • Note moyenne:

Datacide 10 Commentaire

Surrealism, Photograhy, The Denial Networkd and the 9/11 symptom, the Anti-History of Rave, The Criminal Justice Bill day by day, Bogotrax Festival, Teknval andTechnology, Peter Whitehead, François Genoud : Decounced as a fascist anti-imperialist, And Book, movies review... pLus a large selection of records chronics.

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