
Fabrique En France de Dran

  • Label: Edition Populaire
  • Titre: Fabriqué En France
  • Référence: Fabrique En France
  • Format: Book
  • Pays: FR
  • Catégories: Comics & books
  • Style: Art Book
  • Poids: 0.50
  • Date de sortie: 03/01/2009
  • Ajouté le: 03/01/2009
  • Note moyenne:

Fabrique En France Commentaire

A tall book of 100 pages. Always acrid, cynic Dran for this reissue of the book « Fabricated in France ». Dran added some new original writings of his job on cardboards of recovery the different messages of which he there réinterprète continuously, dealing between others of the subjects of our society and the drift of consumption … Notice Dran also realesed the Sleeves for various Indies labels such as Kor A Kor, Tuff Gang, and loads of Flyers for Underground Parties. Spirit.

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